SEU3MX supply and extract unit 3-way mix
Air handling units that incorporate a 3-way mixing plenum are incredibly useful to save energy. The supply and extract unit is ideal for locations which are not designed for human occupancy as clarified under Eco Design Commission Regulation (EU) No 1253/2014, such as distribution centres, warehouses, pharmaceutical facilities, and data centres.
Your unit will deliver practical benefits including lower energy consumption, smaller environmental impact, and reduced need for investment in heat generation and distribution. It is a sophisticated piece of machinery that delivers genuine results for your site.
If the unit has a connection that leads outside the building with a supply or exhaust air flowrate in regular operation of minimum 10% of the total declared recirculated air flowrate, then it is considered a ventilation unit and falls under Regulation 1253/2014.
Review our Supply & Extract Unit 3-way Mix brochure here: